Algorithmization and Programming with Python


The course consist of 12 modules, each of which contains an electronic textbook with interactive simulators for practicing programming skills.

The course will help you understand the Python syntax and get a general intuition about its use. You will learn how to work with data structures and understand in what situations they are used. You will learn how and in what cases to use conditions and different types of cycles.

During the course, you will write your first program, master the basics of Python, and lay the foundation for further learning about programming.

After completing the course, you will have the skills necessary to start mastering the first framework or take on the first real projects. You will also learn that programming is very interesting!


ФГБОУ ВО «Тольяттинский государственный университет»

Авторы курса

Maria Chakchurina


Unit 1. Let's get started
Unit 2. Arithmetic and numbers
Unit 3. Strings
Unit 4. Boolean type and conditions
Unit 5. Lists
Unit 6. Loops
Unit 7. Dictionaries
Unit 8. Sets
Unit 9. Functions
Unit 10. Tuples
Unit 11. Modules
Unit 12. Classes

Результаты обучения

Рекомендуемые направления подготовки

Входные требования

Общая трудоемкость (з.е.)

Длительность курса (нед.)